A phonetic fan-made system
The quick brown fox Jumpes
Doctor's Cot Gallifreyan
A step-by-step guide to using the system.
Full text of this walkthrough is available here for translation.
2. How it works
8. Transcribing into IPA
11. Consonant-Vowel Pairs
13. Translating the First Circle
16. Finished First Circle
17. Translating the Second Circle
18. First and Second Circles - Our First Word
20. Translating the Third Circle
23. Finished Third Circle
24. Translating the Fourth Circle
27. Finished Fourth Circle
28. Possible Legibility Issue
32. Failsafe Way to Fix the Legibility Issue
33. Final Translated Phrase
35. Final Design
36. Using the Aleph א
38. That means “I” is treated as א - ai
39. Translating A Vowel Using Aleph
42. Final Circle That Begins With A Vowel
The idea and concept of Gallifreyan belongs to the BBC©, Doctor’s Cot Gallifreyan is in no way endorsed by them, it is purely fan-made and belongs to Brittany Goodman.
This system is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License